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The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost via the HOLY SPIRIT in prayer and meditation ARE the QUAD of GOD!
Thus saith the lordess the OXEN -
REDACTION is repentance
when i fade away and radiate
please TAKE THIS ALL off line
or remove it slowly
delete it one word at a time
unless i am here to edit it
when i pass the gass of this 3D world for the 2.9 D world
take this with me
never ADD TO THIS with out me around to edit and judge
WILL this be done?
thanks XYZdonna kair peach meek
MK donald
donald meek
Adam and Eve
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The the nearly double QUAD of GOD is really Seven Deities in a seven-dimensional world that is XYZT2M2 of spacetimematter, and they are A1-7th>The FATHER creator of the UNIVERSE in heaven 17. B2-6th>The SON is the son of man (common man) and the son of God in heaven 26 (we are all sons of God) C3-5th>The HOLY Spirit, The Living Water, The Universal Mind, the fabric of spacetimematter, the Monotheistic ONE GOD, ONE MIND ONE BODY in heaven 35 of nature Genderless, the vehicle of which all prayer and meditations on the band of Theta Brain waves (God Vibe 5 to 8 cycles per second) are had. QUAD4>Then the HOLY GHOST, which is the Angels of Ezekiel. Who is the US and OUR of GOD and are responsible for HUMAN creation on earth, as is 4th>The MAN, Just like us humans, 3rd>the OXEN superhuman God to the right of man, then 2nd>the LION, a more unusual UFO gra(Y)ven image, features a GOD and the Eagle, the oddest creature ever somewhat mysterious its rare to even seen by humans somewhat alien if that's a-ok word to call 1rst>the Eagle which is the Warrior Species of GOD