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  • year fourteen of freedom from progressive therapies

Keneh Bosem

Zeek Meek

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  • 3 months later...

it is written Q aneh bosm or Kene Bosum was used in Moses Holy Oil

was it also possibly the tree of life?

i think religion around the world and "drugs" are no stranger with Christianity we have the communal wine or new wine.

wine is mentioned in my bible 210 times it was a popular drink at the time of Jesus.

yet 4000 years earlier did Moses partake of Canibus? in Kene Bosum?

evidence seems clear in hebrew that it is a possiblity

is the New Wine really old Kene Bosum?

since it burns?

Was Jesus Burning Kene Bosum in the form of new wine that destroys the caskets of wine leathers

the Coptic burn Cannibus as incense

they are the oldest Christian faith on the planet

other various religions on the planet have use other forms of drugs in the religious experience

it certainly is not unheard of






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  • 2 weeks later...

1 Corinthians 10:1

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

11:43 AM

Moreover brethren I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea.


And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea


And did all eat the same spiritual meat.


And did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that Rock was Christ.


I love how it starts out to bring knowledge to people that they not be ignorant

That ALL our fathers were under the cloud. Is it possible cloud here is a burning herb?

And the sea water just that.

Are we talking fire and water?

To be baptised with.

We have learned that herbs are considered MEAT

What is the spiritual herb then perhaps?

This brings us to a perhaps interesting understanding of spiritual

Is it of the spirit only or is it used in different meanings at times?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

"Around 1980, etymologists at Hebrew University in Jerusalem confirmed that cannabis is mentioned in the Bible by name, Kineboisin (also spelled Kannabosm) in a list of measured ingredients for 'an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of apothecary' to be smeared on the head. The word was mistranslated in King James version as 'calamus' " (Latimer, 1988)

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  • 11 months later...

is the Hebrew word Kenah Bosum really cannabis

it would seem in English and Greek that it is in fact cannabis.

why would the old KJV interpret it as calamus?

would there be political or religious reasoning behind this interpret?

calla mus sounds similar to cannabis.

could men get this wrong at first?

is the interpretation more sacred than the ancient texts

some might think so

some might think the interpret as sacred really

and sure a dozen priests and clergy prayed over the KJV

could they mis heard the word?





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  • 5 months later...

callamus and sweet cane are both Kenah Bosum and Kenah respectively in the bible 

we also should consider where Incense is used that a probable cannabis is often used as incense so could refer to that

also cloud , incense, sweet cane, callamus

search your bibles for these words and learn possible cannabis connections

as well as new wine 

its my way of wanting to worship thinking that cannabis is the new wine

after all it destroys new wine caskets





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KENAH BOSUM disclaimer

cannabis can lower your memory which in turn reflects highly on your sense of intelligence

that is to say it dumbs you down a bit here and there

its a known problem

i would suggest that you refrain from cannabis use until such time you need  religious experience

or wait till older of age to partake or at least partake with minimal usage and at rare times

at any rate use responsibly 

at all times




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  • 1 month later...

Kenah bosum

Thursday, March 26, 2020

8:56 AM

Kenah bosum is not necessary for spiritual development

The main most healthy way to spiritual growth is Meditation

Prayer and meditation are the keys to achieving a spiritual connection

Kenah bosum is not needed as usual

Kenah bosum should and could be used for baptism

That is not unlike baptism in water we have baptism by fire which can be done once and that is it. You are baptised by fire now. Kenah bosum also as the new wine is used in communion as with incense in the temple. It is the blood of Christ the king. Kenah bosum is the lazy mans way to enlightenment perhaps in 5 BC the Chinese wrote that cannabis promotes insight to the spiritual world after prolonged use. One can connect to the spiritual world via kenah bosum however I would strongly suggest meditation first as a rule try that first. Also meditation combined with kenah bosum might be best. Kenah Bosum in ancient times was banned from use by the common people and only allowed to be used by Priests and kings and prophets.

It is a powerful herb not to be taken lightly. It however is not physically addictive.

I will never guarentee any results from kenah bosum. It is a mellow passive communion

Any use should be at your own risk.

My early childhood connection with the spirit world was via heavy meditation not any substance.

It might be that meditation and prayer are enhanced perhaps via kenah bosum after one trains the mind in meditation exercise. This is only my feeling and experience.

The use of incense (kenah bosum) in the temple goes back as far as Moses perhaps 7 thousand years ago.

While its written that incense was used in the temple I am unclear of what function it had really other than to bless the crowd with incense.

The bible doesn’t mention kenah bosum directly it’s the Hebrew word for what I feel is cannabis it could be 3 or 4 plants one is cannabis. Words to find in the bible find calamus that is the direct translate for Kenah bosum. Also sweet cane maybe a translate for kehah so its there in the bible you just have to look then after those few words find these words "incense and cloud" see what you think how cannabis might perhaps be used

You might think that it all is a far stretch to think kenah bosum is cannabis

Perhaps its right or wrong let the individual decide that between him and his God

My spirit world is fine with it for the most part that could change.

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it is not my hope to encourage people to use Kenah Bosum or cannabis rather to let Christians of every kind whom need to partake for medical purposes that it is surely not a sin..

that depending on who you ask cannabis is part of scripture just hidden a bit in mis interpret

even if you partake for other reasons it in my estimate would never or rarely be classified a sin but that is between you and God not me

i use on a regular basis to take away my back pain away and it does work for me..

that is not to say it will work for you in anyway



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  • 10 months later...
On 9/26/2018 at 2:06 PM, addy said:

"Around 1980, etymologists at Hebrew University in Jerusalem confirmed that cannabis is mentioned in the Bible by name, Kineboisin (also spelled Kannabosm) in a list of measured ingredients for 'an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of apothecary' to be smeared on the head. The word was mistranslated in King James version as 'calamus' " (Latimer, 1988)

what they were confirming was i think in  1928 a word scientist came to the same conclusion eailer


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  • 1 year later...

Cannabis, and others[edit]

Other possible identifications have also been made. Sula Benet in Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp (1967), identified it as cannabis.[37] Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan notes that "On the basis of cognate pronunciation and Septuagint readings, some identify Keneh bosem with the English and Greek cannabis, the hemp plant. There are, however, some authorities who identify the 'sweet cane' with cinnamon bark (Radak, Sherashim). Some say that kinman is the wood, and keneh bosem is the bark (Abarbanel)."[38] Benet in contrast argued that equating Keneh Bosem with sweet cane could be traced to a mistranslation in the Septuagint, which mistook Keneh Bosem, later referred to as "cannabos" in the Talmud, as "kalabos", a common Egyptian marsh cane plant.[37]

In 2020, new research confirmed ritual cannabis was used in Israel as early as 1000 BC.[39]

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Identification of kaneh bosem[edit]

While sources agree about the identity of four of the five ingredients of anointing oil, the identity of the fifth, "kaneh bosem", has been a matter of debate. The Bible indicates that it was an aromatic cane or grass, which was imported from a distant land by way of the spice routes, and that a related plant grows naturally in Israel.[26][27] Several different plants have been named as possibly being the "kaneh bosem".

Acorus calamus[edit]

Most lexicographers, botanists, and biblical commentators translate keneh bosem as "cane balsam".[28][29] The Aramaic Targum Onkelos renders the Hebrew kaneh bosem in Aramaic as q'nei busma.[30] Ancient translations and sources identify this with the plant variously referred to as sweet cane, or sweet flag (nl. the Septuagint, the Rambam on Kerithoth 1:1, Saadia Gaon and Jonah ibn Janah). This plant is known to botanists as Acorus calamus.[31] According to Aryeh Kaplan in The Living Torah, "It appears that a similar species grew in the Holy Land, in the Hula region in ancient times (Theophrastus, History of Plants 9:7)."[32]


Maimonides, in contrast, indicates that it was the Indian plant, rosha grass (Cymbopogon martinii), which resembles red straw.[33] Many standard reference works on Bible plants by Michael Zohary (University of Jerusalem, Cambridge, 1985), James A. Duke (2010), and Hans Arne Jensen (Danish 2004, English translation 2012) support this conclusion, arguing that the plant was a variety of Cymbopogon. James A. Duke, quoting Zohary, notes that it is "hopeless to speculate" about the exact species, but that Cymbopogon citratus (Indian lemon-grass) and Cymbopogon schoenanthus are also possibilities.[34][35] Kaplan follows Maimonides in identifying it as the Cymbopogon martinii or palmarosa plant.[32][36]

Cannabis, and others[edit]

Other possible identifications have also been made. Sula Benet in Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp (1967), identified it as cannabis.[37] Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan notes that "On the basis of cognate pronunciation and Septuagint readings, some identify Keneh bosem with the English and Greek cannabis, the hemp plant. There are, however, some authorities who identify the 'sweet cane' with cinnamon bark (Radak, Sherashim). Some say that kinman is the wood, and keneh bosem is the bark (Abarbanel)."[38] Benet in contrast argued that equating Keneh Bosem with sweet cane could be traced to a mistranslation in the Septuagint, which mistook Keneh Bosem, later referred to as "cannabos" in the Talmud, as "kalabos", a common Egyptian marsh cane plant.[37]

In 2020, new research confirmed ritual cannabis was used in Israel as early as 1000 BC.[39]

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  • Idiocracy says that Christians are right wing or conservative

    it also believes that Communism is Left or Liberal only

    so Christians to the RIGHT and COMMUNISM to the LEFT?
    why are we being taught this?

    doesn't anyone stop and question this ideologies?

    could it be the ruling classes of authoritarians/Church promote and misdirect us as the worlds best magicians?

  • ANCIENT wisdom

    Old Testament there are gods/(goddettes) of HUMAN

    New Testament there are Lords/(lordettes) of Humans

    Modern Wisdom

    Continue with gods and godettes also Lords and Lordettes

    add KINGS and QUEENS also Politicians leaders philosophical models and the like

    musicians artists scientists (Einstein)



    your smartest buddy




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  • JOEL 2:28

    2:28And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: 2:29And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

    Unknown. The Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible (Old and New Testament) (p. 438). Fair Price Classics. Kindle Edition. 


    it is the HOLY SPIRIT and the LIVING WATER that Jesus talked about Plato called it the Aether and the Cosmos and his model suggests it is a conductor of all energy

    that's all ancient wisdom



    The universal mind is with everyone its the base of the fabric of space it is within you also everyone

    that its a super fluid/void/holy spirit

    i say it the VOID/gold a conductor of all energy following the ancients

    I call it the Universal Mind 

    and we are ALL included in it someway

    we might not all be on the same vibe or channel

    but most of us can find it ok

    the THETA brainwave/universal mind of GOD channel

    where the MONOTHIESTIC genderless GOD of nature exists

    the Fabric of SpaceTimeMatter



  • ANCIENT wisdom

    Old Testament there are gods/(goddettes) of HUMAN

    New Testament there are Lords/(lordettes) of Humans

    Modern Wisdom

    Continue with gods and godettes also Lords and Lordettes

    add KINGS and QUEENS also Politicians leaders philosophical models and the like

    musicians artists scientists (Einstein)



    your smartest buddy



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