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The Church of the Philosophical Model
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Posts posted by admin

  1. is it the king of Israel or the god of Israel that is the redeemer for the heavenly Host.

    I think this KING or god with a small G interprets for the Heavenly Host.

    it speaks for him


  2. Spirits that transcend time and space

    Monday, August 7, 2017

    12:32 PM

    If God and all the angels of his world were spirits.. And God is a Spirit.

    Meaning they are of the other worlds the here beyond here ever after.

    And God created the heavens and the earth. He spoke it or it was in WORD only.

    Then someone else actually creates it from Gods plan.

    Boom giant universe explosion in 7 days only.

    Ripping thru the worlds

    Blocking the light of day out.

    The great star falling.

    A new black hole in space.

    Now being giants and in a completely different time and space for real

    7 days for our trillion years.

    What would happen to spirits that crossed over such a vast time and space.

    Heaven really knows.

    And it says In the bible that God is the light of the world..

    Jesus said he was the light of the world and he was talking FOR God.

    That’s it they light up like brilliant suns.


    john 8:12

  3. The Jesus People

    Monday, August 7, 2017

    11:28 AM

    I was just merely 13 years old when I saw a poster for a Free Concert in big print and Jesus people in small print. What a nice way to get us teens to go to a concert I mean this could be our first concert. So I went and there was a Christian Rock band the music was grand loud and the message was interesting love peace harmony etc.. After a while Linda Meinser got on stage and  talked for about a half hour or so. Talk of true peace with Jesus. LOVE etc. I gave my heart to Jesus and accepted the Holy Spirit also in my life I was instantly filled with LOVE yes Gods love flowed through me it was a miracle. Anyways for 2 or so years I was with the group I would hand out the TRUTH which was the paper they put out. I only remember reading one article in the paper ever that was about Ezekiel and the wheel within a wheel that turns not as it goes that moves the speed of lightning that carry's Ezekiel away to a other city and had a spirit within the wheel. So reading Ezekiel I find that the wheels may represent UFO's . You may have to do some research on UFO's  if you haven't already. This was the beginning and the end of the Jesus people here in Seattle. The Jesus People coffee shop was granted over to another religious organization the Children of God. I ran screaming away then shortly around that same time at about age 15 I was Deprogramed which in the late 60s was the thing to do. It was nearly common yet my deprograming involved sodium pentothal and some power of suggestion while under the influence. I within a <REDACTED>(OVER NIGHT) after that dramatically put down my Bible and didn’t read it for many years to come.

  4. Creation of the universe

    Sunday, August 6, 2017

    3:00 PM

    In Romans 1 chapter 20

    For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse


    This tells me that the creation of the universe is like anything being built

    A few years back I was reading how science now has the theory down for the big bang they believe they can create a small bang universe in a lab. The only thing holding them back is that it might be dangerous and could create a black hole in space.

    Our science has come far enough to create a universe why then can't a God that drives a UFO to create a universe. In John, I think it is that God spoke the universe into existence.

    This to me means that the God we know as God the Father has only in theory or WORD has created a universe in theory perhaps for the same reason man is unsure of this experiment God has the same misfortune. Well this then says there must be US and OUR of Gods a plural like is written in Genesis that the God that created our Universe is different from the God that is in our own time and space the Monotheist God that created OUR universe in a box would be much larger than us we are assuming also I do believe it’s a whole different time frame where our planets are zooming around the suns in light speed fashion and the universe in GODS time is a mere 7 days.. (Est) have you ever seen the image of the star cluster called hand of God?

    It's amazing and perhaps a real hand of God in some way he entered our universe. Or even our galaxy.

    Yes, I am somewhat a Polytheist of sorts.  You will find the God of Israel and the heavenly host (which is two) described as ONE monotheist God

    The heavenly host which is only redeemed by the God of Israel the host being the universe of which we all are a part of this to me would be a God of nature that in its own time is barely 7 days old we are all a part and a piece of this God we are WITH (in) this God as described in John

    This is what we are all a part a piece of.


    You will find in Genesis God referred to has US and OUR both plurals

    Also in Exodus, I think it is that Moses says "not to revile the gods"

    More evidence that gods exist.

    Apart from the ONE monotheist God

    Anyways God the Father exists and Also the Heavenly Host which is the God that created us in a box. In Gods time frame the universe is a mere 7 days old compared to our trillion or so years of existence (see Einstein theory of relativity)

    Which is why we have the WORD in the beginning since only one word could perhaps be heard all of our human existence here on earth

    We would be lucky to get a word from this GOD but what we do get is a full nature of existence and all our rules of physics laws of nature etc.

    In John we have God and With (in) God as the two conditions.

    I believe that God the Father the one that created EVE can, in fact, create a universe if he so well pleased yet he spoke it only into existence. Meaning theory, not practice.  Yet this God the Father is with us with God or within God

    To sum up I am a firm believer in a dual God one WITH and one being God.

    Is this perhaps why Jesus only refers to God the Father as the Father or heavenly father.

    The God on our level is with God really like us with God.






  5. while the Fact side of Science may seem perfect and very well it is its the theory side of the science of which there is a lot there of.. that has its imperfections


  6. Welcome

    Tuesday, August 1, 2017

    10:08 AM

    Welcome to Ezekiel's Wheel where we will discuss the probability of a God that would drive a UFO

    Not of this world

    Where a god, notice with a small g, is a Type of Being.

    Where large craniums exist

    Where god is a real Species of near man like personage

    A Monotheist single type species of God.

    Where a god like creature an ANGEL could come visit us here on planet earth

    Where UFO's are real space craft from an other solar system far away.

    god is a Highly advanced in many ways science arts culture social.

    Even our science today would mostly be a starting point for God

    A simple way of looking at it for God.

    Some of it may be an abomination

    What we highly regard

    Our science isn't perfect it is merely the best we can do as humans with what instruments we have to work with.

    God is still superior in many ways to us.

    Though we have traveled far we are still only at the start.

    So welcome you here to Ezekiel's Wheel I hope you enjoy and find refreshing our approach to the Bible.

    Here we may quote any and all books of the Bible not just limited to Ezekiel in hopes of understanding the nature of God a bit more.

The GENIUS People Commune

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